Saturday, 16 August 2014

Ends and Beginings

The skies lullaby sweeps the patio midday, the dreary storm clouds cool the water.  Building the desire for the sun to make its return before the night falls and the tides rise.  Getting the most out of the summer months before the winter takes over and life is confined. No room for sand, Hutch's Fries and ice cream, No Skywheel at the falls, or relaxing by the pool with my new forest friends.  Just anticipation of next years summer months ahead.

But with seasons change ......the chances of relaxing at my art table with all my creativity bursting at the seams come closer with alittle less guilt of staying indoors.

My not so little boys are embarking on new chapters of their growing lives.....grade 3,2, and SK.  new skills and levels of education will be filling their heads,    making them even more inquisitive.

I embrace the new changes and challenges ahead in anticipation of next summer

Always Unique Totally Interesting Sometimes Mysterious